Crony Engineers Limited is an engineering and construction company based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Aspiring to contribute considerably to the ever-developing infrastructure of Bangladesh, this organization has embarked on a journey to make its mark in the volatile and complex business environment of the country. Backed by skilled and experienced engineers and technical support personnel, It is ready to address a wide range of engineering needs and provide first-rate solutions customized to clients’ needs. Crony Engineers Limited is committed to making a real impact on the country’s infrastructure and enriching the capabilities of its clients through its engineering projects, and expanding its business in order to play a substantial role in the modernizing of Bangladesh.
Crony Engineers Limited aims to be the premier engineering company in Bangladesh known for operational excellence and timely deliveries; we intend to focus our efforts on quality, adhering to global standards in our work, and delivering projects that fit our client’s requirements perfectly and exceed client expectations.
At Crony Engineers Limited, we value the impact our work has on our clients above all else; as such, our vision is the enrichment of all the stakeholders pertaining to our work. Our priority is to make Crony Engineers Limited synonymous with outstanding engineering solutions, with our work driving our reputation. This is why Crony Engineers Limited strives perpetually to fine-tune and optimize our processes and hone them to perfection: our focus is on innovation and utilizing the appropriate resources in order to ensure the sustainability of our company, our clients\’ concerns, and ultimately, the country.
Crony Engineering Limited operates under certain values that all its members adhere to. These values are ingrained in our company culture and guide our interactions, as well as guide our operational processes. Essentially, our values dictate the way we conduct business.
Integrity: We believe in integrity above all else: we deliver what we promise, and conduct our business with sincerity, to- wards both internal and external stakeholders to the company.
People: People are our greatest resources. Our employees are therefore a significant part of our values, as well as the people outside our company. We believe that the right people equipped with the right tools will always deliver the right results.
Performance: We are a result oriented company. We realize that our clients concerns depend on our performance, and there- fore we value performance greatly, attempting to ensure the highest level of performance every step of the way.
Sustainability: Sustainability is an all encompassing value for us. Begin- Ning with the effect each of our acorn has on the company, to the effect our company has on our clients\’ and the country, we are highly conscious of sustainability in our business processes.
Our core philosophy is based on impact: we recognize that as an engineering company our projects impact numerous people on various levels. To that end, we are constantly vigilant on our part towards the impact our operations and processes have towards us, our clients, and the country itself. We therefore continuously focus on our core values as we operate, ensuring that we conduct ourselves with integrity, focus on and empower the people we interact with in the course of our business, consistently deliver the best results and drive our performance to the fullest, and ensure the sustainability of all the stakeholders involved in our business.

Md. Zahangir Alam
ChairmanAbout Chairman:
MBA (Marketing), Northern University, Bangladesh, Year of Passing: 2002, BBM, Bangalore University, India, Year of Passing: 1997. Md. Zahangir Alam has vast experience and expertise in marketing in the real estate sector, Performance Management, and Corporate management. He has worked with TMSS as an Assistant Chief Program coordinator in the ILO-IPEC project. He was also responsible for the overall management and supervision of the ILO-IPEC WFCL projects including the preparation of both Techni-cal and Financial reports. The task involves the supervision of project staff at the field level. Principal functions indeed indicate analysis of monitoring findings and preparation of reports summering achievement of targets. He has worked with Rangs Properties Ltd. as Head of Sales. He has also worked with Sanmar Properties Ltd. as Head of Sales. He has ample amount of training in his portfolio, such as High-performance Sale Part— I, organized by TACK Training Inter-national from 3rd July 2006 to 5th July 2006 “Product development workshop” organized by Ecota Forum, Dhaka, Bangladesh from 19-20 April 1999 and 23-24 October 2000. “Product costing and pricing” organized by TRIN Research and Information Network Ltd from 26-28 September 1998. “Management And Training of Trainers” organized by Rapport Bangladesh Ltd. from 15-19 Jan1998. Participated to conduct a Baseline Survey for the ILA-IPEC, WFCL Project. He also attended and was involved in organizing event management programs in Dubai, underlining international promotion and selling capacity from 1-15 February 2006 under REHAB. He is presently a Value Lead for 786 Group, improvement and development in addition to his general corporate experience. His vast and rich experience, consisting of organizational strategy will provide operational excellence to the 786 Group and ensure their capability to drive innovation.

Managing DirectorManaging Director’s Statement:
I would like to offer my gratitude and appreciation to our stakeholders for their continuous support and faith in our business. We prosper because of people and their belief in our work. Today, we operate in a business environment that is volatile, complex, uncertain, and ambiguous. However, that also implies that now is the time to flourish and establish our company as a pre-eminent organization in its field. The key to our success, from this point on, will be results — delivering consistent results is an infallible way to cement our name onto the minds of existing and potential clients as a reliable solution to all their engineering needs. We have to ensure that our work speaks for our capabilities and demonstrates the commitment we have toward delivering exceptional results for each and every project that we undertake. The business environment in Bangladesh is dynamic. We are an emerging nation with a rapidly growing economy, and hence it is essential that we show considerable proficiency in foreseeing the trends and needs of the changing, dynamic scenario in the industry and respond to them with equal swiftness. We should therefore focus on building on our existing strengths and simultaneously look into ways we can evolve from here on out to give us an edge in our business. I normally believe that we are fully capable of meeting the next decade head-on and reaching greater heights as we take on more demanding and diverse projects. I am counting on all your support as we move forward in leaps and bounds in the future.